Tumaini staff members work collaboratively to serve as mentors, figureheads and teach the necessary life skills and values to our children. They include teachers, cooks, caregivers, social workers and others that see what they do as a calling. They dedicate their hearts and soul to the healthy development and nurturing of children. It is because of their hard work and love that the Director Rose Bugusu and 127 worldwide team leader Amanda organized for an appreciation surprise party.
The staff came to the party dressed in new outfits and shoes bought particularly for the party. All were shining and full of joy not knowing there were more surprises. The event was more touching when the children prayed for each individual staff which was graced by watching the movie and popcorn. That not being enough the staff were served with delicious meals and later given a food basket. This has motivated the staff members and the entire Tumaini family. We give thanks to all that were involved for enabling us motivate our staff in this very unique way.